• What is Financial Freedom?

    Most individuals are instructed to get an education and then a job.  Then, after landing a solid job, the recommendation is to save a percentage of each paycheck for the next 40+ years until retirement.  This linear path from school until death, means spending the majority of each day at […]

  • Life Insurance

    It’s a New Year and the best time to get your house in order by setting some basic family financial plans in motion. If we focus on one task at a time, your family’s financial footing can be established by February. Let’s start with life insurance. Ask yourself 3 questions: […]

  • Financial Portfolios

    What is a financial portfolio? In simple terms, the word portfolio is used to describe a collection of things. It can be art, stocks, bonds, real estate properties, or precious metals. Our job is to build an investment portfolio that meets our needs, fits our situations and consists of assets […]

  • Saving Money

    Exercise a full understanding of what it means to save money. Most ads boast save money and shop here. That can be an oxymoron. You can save a lot of money by NOT shopping at all. Make sure your purchases are deliberate so that you can avoid spending unwisely. For […]

  • Pay Yourself First. Always.

    This week’s MKFP is inspired by the Black Hedge Fund Group. Nearly half of all Americans say they cannot afford an unexpected $400 expense and nearly half of all Americans say $400 is too much if they had to come up with that amount in an unexpected emergency. 47% of […]

  • Real Estate Improvements

    Let’s consider how to apply the miracle of the Resurrection beyond our Spirit. What’s the difference between a nice neighborhood and one that’s not? The same buildings are north and south of the city; however, the inherent value of real estate is considerably lower south of Madison. The one thing […]

  • Three Financial Tips for Children

    Set your children off on the right financial path by teaching them these three important ideas. Start young — it’s important to broach the subject of money with kids at a young age. There’s no way to expect a child at any age to understand money unless you talk about […]

  • Year-End Financial Freedom

    Consider your relationship with money and how you’ve used it. The point of this introspection is to try and understand your relationship with money and how you use it in your life – understand the areas where you’re weak, the areas where you’re strong, and how you can improve the […]

  • Credit Cards | Soft and Hard Inquiries

    I already know you’re going to go to the mall and when you make your transactions, you’ll be asked whether you want to apply for a store credit card. Store credit cards are essentially useless. Stick with the major cards like MasterCard, American Express and Discover which allow you to […]

  • “Empire” and Stocks

    Many of you have enjoyed watching Cookie’s antics every week on the show Empire. While you were watching, the term IPO was mentioned at least once every episode. An IPO or initial public offering is the first sale of stock by a company to the public giving those who purchase […]

Money Kingdom Financial Freedom