Purchases as Trade-Offs
Be clear about how you think of money and how you spend it. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can certainly make you comfortable. Let’s consider the time it takes you to earn money. Let’s say you earn $15 an hour at your job, and you’re considering purchasing a TV […]
How Much Do I Need to Retire?
Most middle-aged adults and soon-to-be retirees have the same question: How much do I need to retire? We should consider this question at all ages and stages. There are no easy answers, nor is there a one-size-fits-all approach. Since how much you need for retirement is based on your specific […]
This links up with a MKFP post not so long discussing integrity. We can all agree to the command “do what’s right!” The 1989 movie penned it as “Do the Right Thing”. Some may think this is reserved only for how we deal with one another when it’s actually a […]
Pay Yourself First. Always.
This week’s MKFP is inspired by the Black Hedge Fund Group. Nearly half of all Americans say they cannot afford an unexpected $400 expense and nearly half of all Americans say $400 is too much if they had to come up with that amount in an unexpected emergency. 47% of […]
Three Financial Tips for Children
Set your children off on the right financial path by teaching them these three important ideas. Start young — it’s important to broach the subject of money with kids at a young age. There’s no way to expect a child at any age to understand money unless you talk about […]
Stocks In Place of Traditional Gifts
Instead of buying toys and products for your children, consider purchasing stock. Mattel (MAT) stock is trading at $26.25 Hasbro (HAS) stock is trading at $68.37 Sony (SNE) stock is trading at $24.34 Think and do activities that demonstrate your freedom. This has been our money kingdom financial perspective. May […]
The Coptic Diet
What is the Coptic diet? Do you know? As we elevate spiritually certain things, activities, tastes and cravings do fall away. However, in all things we say, moderation. As Copts we know that all sickness is not unto death however, many of us are an illness away from financial death […]
Saving Money Is In! Use Your Refund Wisely
Saving money is in. Spending it like you’re not financially literate is out. If you get a tax refund this year and have outstanding debt, any kind of debt, the best use of that money is to pay the debt down or off. Here are some additional ways to use […]
Be a planner
Do things happen to you or do you make things happen? Trials surely come, however, some of our trials are self-created. Amen. So learn to be a planner. Make financial plans for major life events: 1) make retirement plans while you’re young, working and while it’s day 2) make plans […]
The Poverty Mindset
Debt is a form of the grave. Metaphors often refer to debt as being in a hole. Fellow Copts, let’s apply our anthem to this condition and proclaim that no grave will hold us down. As we draw closer to this season of consumption, please make sure your house is […]