Submit a Donation
Coptic Nation Temple appreciates your help and support toward its ministry. The continued growth of this church is made possible through your donations.
This is our 24th year in ministry and we continue to evolve and engage our community through teaching, healing, and professing that an abundant life is a birth right. Coptic Nation Temple asks for your support in the form of a donation. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing social distancing, online donations are important and appreciated. Donations also help sustain our organization and benefit the community we serve.
You may donate online securing using PayPal or your card:
You may also donate by sending tax-exempt checks / money orders payable to:
Coptic Nation Temple
6359 S. Seeley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60636
Your generous donation and support helps us further the ministry. Remember that your gift may be tax-deductible. We thank you for your time, generosity and support of this ministry.
May God bless you and heaven continue to smile upon you.
Royal Priest Meshach
Candace Queen Rachel